Medicare Open Enrollment 2022


Medicare beneficiaries can join, switch, or drop a plan during the annual Open Enrollment Period, which runs from October 15 - December 7, 2022. Each year, Medicare plan costs and coverage typically change. In addition, your healthcare needs or network of doctors may have changed over the past year. Also known as Medicare's annual election period, Open Enrollment is your opportunity to reevaluate your coverage and switch your current Medicare health and prescription drug plans to ones that better suit your needs.

During this period, you can:

  • Switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan
  • Switch from a Medicare Advantage Plan to Original Medicare
  • Change from one Medicare Advantage Plan to a different Medicare Advantage Plan
  • Change from a Medicare Advantage Plan that offers prescription drug coverage to a Medicare Advantage Plan that doesn't offer prescription drug coverage
  • Switch from a Medicare Advantage Plan that doesn't offer prescription drug coverage to a Medicare Advantage Plan that does offer prescription drug coverage
  • Join a Medicare prescription drug plan (Part D)
  • Switch from one Part D plan to another Part D plan
  • Drop your Part D coverage altogether

Any changes made during Open Enrollment are effective as of January 1, 2023.

Review plan options

Now is a good time to review your current Medicare benefits to see if they're still right for you. Are you satisfied with the coverage and level of care you're receiving with your current plan? Are your premium costs or out-of-pocket expenses too high? Has your health changed? Do you anticipate needing medical care or treatment or new or pricier prescription drugs?

If your current plan doesn't meet your healthcare needs or fit your budget, you can switch to a new plan. If you find that you're satisfied with your current Medicare plan and it's still being offered, you don't have to do anything. The coverage you have will continue.

Need Assistance?

McLean works with Medicare experts that can help you navigate the Open Enrollment period. Contact your advisor to get started.

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McLean Asset Management