

Lead Advisor

Alana is a Lead Advisor at McLean where she helps to design and implement financial plans and wealth management strategies for high net worth (as well as emerging affluent) clients.  She offers expertise in the areas of holistic financial planning, retirement income planning, estate planning, as well as research and analysis for tax planning. She has worked as a financial planner in the Northern Virginia area for over 10 years now, providing holistic financial planning to families of all backgrounds.

Professional Certifications & Associations

  • B.A. in Finance, Virginia Tech
  • CFP (Certified Financial Planner™)

Greatest Professional Satisfaction

Being part of a team that is committed to helping clients succeed in achieving their financial goals.

Greatest Personal Satisfaction

“My greatest personal satisfaction comes from being a mother.  Additionally, my family has been rock climbing both in our local gym and outdoors. Initially I was afraid of heights and found the activity to be more traumatizing than anything – but after sticking with it, I overcame my fears and it has become one of the most enjoyable parts of my life, providing me with an outlet for both mental and physical training.”