Wealth Management

Wealth Management is the most comprehensive service available at McLean and encompass planning advice, implementation, and investment management.

Our advisory team thoroughly examines your financial lives for planning opportunities and works with you to execute strategies as your life circumstances and goals evolve.

McLean wealth management clients are looking for comprehensive support for their financial lives from a team of experts focused on their best interest. They look to McLean to personalize their retirement plan while putting tax considerations at the center of their portfolio management. As their trusted fiduciary advisor, McLean provides clarity and direction for their entire financial picture.


Looking at the
big picture

Our approach goes beyond current assets and investments to encompass your entire financial life. Your McLean advisor coordinates the special expertise of tax, insurance, and estate planning professionals—whether our staff members, your existing advisors, or others we recommend—to develop your best strategies for everything from exit planning for business owners to charitable gifting strategies.


Management and Advisory Services

Leading advisory firms no longer equate success with picking outperforming stocks. Rather, the popular methodology today is to create investment portfolios with multiple asset classes, maximizing return per unit of risk. It’s a fine approach for large institutions that will be invested in the markets in perpetuity, but not for individuals. After saving for 30 years, you can’t wait out a 15-year bear market to start your retirement. Your plan needs to be based on a specific time horizon, focused on when you’ll start taking distributions and how long you expect to do so.

While markets historically make money for investors over the long term, there is no guarantee that a severe bear market won’t exist just before and just after you retire. If your plan is based solely on investing, you may find yourself not being able to support the lifestyle you expected—or delaying your retirement beyond what you had desired. Our holistic approach helps to prevent that occurrence.


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Creating a predictable
retirement income stream

Navigating the transition from living primarily off working income during your peak earning years to drawing only retirement income can be tricky. The key is aligning essential expenses to a stable funding sources such as annuity income, required portfolio distributions, and social security income. To that end, we create plans seeking to provide a two- to three-decade long comfort level for a family in retirement.


Tax management,
estate planning, and more

Limiting tax liability is always a part of our overall planning, from reducing exposure to tax inefficient holdings when creating your portfolio to systematically harvesting losses and actively offsetting distribution gains while managing it. Because tax codes are always changing, regionally and nationally, tax management strategies are continuously reviewed.

Similarly, estate planning is best accomplished in concert with your overall wealth management strategy. Our advisory team works closely with your team of professional advisors to help structure your estate in ways designed to ensure your wealth is distributed according to your intentions.

From maximizing employee benefit plans to structuring long-term care for parents, we’re just a call away. In short, we can help you navigate everything that intersects finance in your life.


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Occam’s – How Long is the Long Term?

Everyone always talks about investing (and planning) for the long term. But they’re usually vague about what the “long term” actually means. Does that mean 5 years? 10 years? More? (Spoiler: the answer is definitely more). And frankly, talking about how you need to focus on the long term can feel like a bit of…


2022 – Q4 Quarterly Market Review

This report features world capital market performance and a timeline of events for the past quarter. It begins with a global overview, then features the returns of stock and bond asset classes in the US and international markets. The report also illustrates the impact of globally diversified portfolios and features a quarterly topic.    …


Why You Make a Profit From Investing

Almost everyone knows that they need to invest their money to help prepare for retirement. It’s one of the keys to getting where you want to go. The markets may (ok, they will) bounce around in the short term, but over the long term, they have done very well for disciplined investors. But why have markets been…


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McLean Asset Management Corp. is not an accounting firm, and no portion of the firm’s services should be construed as accounting or tax advice. The effectiveness and potential success of tax planning services depend on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the client’s tax bracket, the amount of realized and unrealized capital gains or losses, and coordination with the client’s tax and/or accounting professional(s). Blog posts linked on this page are intended for convenience, educational, and informational purposes only. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the authors as of the date of publication and are subject to change. The adviser does not endeavor to update or remove blog posts and articles after initial publication. No linked content should be construed as individualized advice or recommendations, and the discussions contained are not a substitute for investment advice from a professional adviser. This commentary should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. Not all services will be appropriate or necessary for all clients, and the potential value and benefit of the adviser’s services will vary based on a variety of factors, such as the client’s investment, tax, financial circumstances, and overall objectives. Neither personalized nor tailored services, including services informed by the client’s RISA® Profile, should be construed as a guarantee of client satisfaction or a particular outcome. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All investing comes with risk, including the risk of loss.